Edgemoor Neighborhood in Bellingham, Washington, is one of 25 city designated neighborhoods as defined on the Bellingham Neighborhoods Map. There are about 900 homes in Edgemoor as well as Fairhaven Middle School, Lairmont Manor and Bayside Swimming Club.
Visit the Edgemoor Connections page where articles and meeting summaries are posted as well as current notices to residents.
Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) was formed in 2004 to provide a community connection and inform residents of local events and issues. Stay connected by signing up to receive email notices from ENA.
The Neighborhood Links and Community Links pages provide a connection to local organizations that may be of interest to residents.
A community forum, Nextdoor Edgemoor, is available to residents who which to connect online.
Visit the Photos page to see images around Edgemoor Neighborhood.
If you have information to add to this website about Edgemoor Neighborhood, as well as any suggestions, or questions please contact Edgemoor Neighborhood Association.