The Edgemoor Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting was held on November 2, 2006 at Lairmont Manor. The meeting was publicized on the website, in the monthly newsletter, and our folding sign was up at the corner of Hawthorn, Chuckanut, and Park Ridge road for several days prior to the meeting. It could have been the windy, rainy weather conditions or lack of interest, or both, but the meeting was poorly attended. Elections were held and we are presently without a President and Vice-president to run the organization, so we shall rotate meeting facilitation among the remaining board members until these positions are filled. A decision was made to have another election at the next general meeting, which will be on February 1, 2007.
Our focus for 2007 will be to update the Edgemoor Neighborhood Plan, so committee members are needed to assist co-chars, John Stephens and Marty Nickerson with the planning process. We have new Safety Committee co-chairs, Don Miles and Brad Johnson, who plan to continue to offer “Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25” signs for sale and encourage Edgemoor residents to participate in the Block Watch program. The Hospitality Committee needs volunteers to assist at meetings and plan our annual summer picnic. The Communications Committee has a new co-chair, Pam Bakke, who will be helping Kathy Kaiser to get the word out about meetings and important issues. The Growth and Land Use committee will be inactive until someone volunteers to chair the committee.
In January, ENA will send an announcement about the February ENA Meeting to all residents of Edgemoor along with the 2007 ENA Membership Dues statement. If you are interested in participating in your neighborhood association, this is the time to sign up for a committee. It is a great way to connect with your neighbors and become informed about issues in our local community.