From Vince Biciunas, Secretary of the CCFMPD:
The Chuckanut Community Forest Park District (CCFPD) will hold its next Regular Meeting on Thursday, May 23rd at 7 pm at Fairhaven Public Library in the Northwest Room.
We are also scheduling a Special Meeting on Thursday, May 9th, at 6:30 pm at Fairhaven Park Pavilion, for the sole purpose of interviewing four candidates for General Legal Counsel and potentially voting to select one for our legal representation. The interviews will be conducted in open public meeting, with each interview lasting about thirty minutes. Please see the top of page 5 of the Draft April 25 Minutes for the list of names.
I am attaching the minutes of our last three meetings: the Approved March 7 and April 18 Minutes and the Draft April 25 Minutes. I hope they are self-explanatory. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact any Commissioner per the email address on page 3 of the Draft April 25 Minutes.
I will send the draft Agendas for the next two meetings, as well as the list of seven questions for interviewees in the next few days.