December 2015, ENA Meeting Summary

The December meeting of the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association was held on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 from 7-9 PM at Lairmont Manor.

The local Bellingham Fire Department engine crew and speaker, Robert Glorioso, attended the meeting. He spoke about fire safety and addressed questions from meeting attendees. There is a great resource for fire safety tips on the City of Bellingham website at . We were pleased to hear that a representative from the Bellingham Fire Department will try to attend the ENA quarterly meetings in the future.

Several topics of concern during the meeting were bike and pedestrian safety in the neighborhood and training for catastrophic emergencies, such as an earthquake or train derailment and/or explosion. We were reminded to wear reflective clothing when walking or bicycling at night or even during the day when it is dark and rainy. Several informative websites were mentioned. The Bellingham Bicycle Master Plan was implemented in 2014 and the Whatcom Unified Emergency Management website has some great information. Also, the City of Bellingham website has recently been updated, so check it out at

Bellingham Police Officer, Eric Ostercamp, spoke about criminal activity in the neighborhood. Watch for package thieves during the busy holiday season and keep doors and windows locked, because thieves prefer to walk in, rather than break in. He spoke about Crime Prevention through Environmental Design . One of the most important factors is to light up your property at night. This deters thieves and allows officers responding to calls to better survey the situation. Officer Ostercamp usually attends the ENA quarterly meetings. He is one of two neighborhood outreach officers for the City of Bellingham. He asks that we call 911 to report any suspicious activity, even though it may not be an emergency. Please do not contact Officer Ostercamp directly with these notifications, since he may be out of town and not able to check his voicemail or email. By calling 911, you will get the information to the right person at the BPD in a timely manner.

Officer Ostercamp suggested that Ted Carlson, head of Bellingham Public Works, be invited to speak about traffic calming measures at a future ENA meeting.

We held a drawing for some festive gifts to celebrate the holiday season and to thank residents for attending ENA meetings.


Our next quarterly ENA meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, from 7-9 PM, at Lairmont Manor. We would like to extend special thanks to Joel Douglas for allowing us to hold our quarterly neighborhood meetings at Lairmont Manor.

Sandie Koplowitz, ENA President


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