Nextdoor Edgemoor is a private social network for residents of Edgemoor Neighborhood. Members can post information of interest to neighbors and post about lost and found items, items for sale, ask for suggestions about services such as gardeners, carpenters, etc. and let others know about suspicious activity in the neighborhood.
Located at the entrance to Edgemoor Neighborhood, where 12th Street becomes Chuckanut Drive, on the east side of Hawthorn Road stands Fairhaven Middle School. A center of activity for Edgemoor Neighborhood, the school grounds are not only utilized by students, but by local residents who often attend meetings at the facilities and enjoy the beautiful, sprawling front lawn with their magnificent oak trees.
Located at 405 Fieldston Road, Lairmont Manor is a beautiful mansion surrounded by lovely grounds…the perfect setting for weddings and special celebrations as well as a place for meetings and seminars. The annual Edgemoor Neighborhood Association meetings are held at Lairmont Manor, thanks to the generosity of Joel Douglas.
Recognized on the National Registry of Historical Sites and a member of the local Historical Society, Lairmont Manor owes its timeless elegance to the artistry of the Seattle architect Carl Gould. Primarily known for his design of the University of Washington’s main library, Gould designed what was then called Larrabee Manor in 1914 for his client Charles Larrabee…(read full story)
Located on the corner of Willow and Clark Roads, Bayside Swimming Club has provided summertime recreation for Bellingham families for more than 45 years. Bayside Swimming Club is a private club with a 200 member families and a 6-7 year waiting list to join the club as a full stockholder member. Summer memberships are available annually on a limited basis to families on the waiting list, so new residents are encouraged to add thier names to the waiting list as soon as possible..