Emergency Preparedness Training Opportunity

We just received the following via the City of Bellingham.  It sounds as though the training is open to everyone.  If you are interested in going, register by using the link below:

I am Bob Jacobson and I work with the Whatcom County Division of Emergency Management as manager of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).  I received the following training announcement and thought it might be appropriate to pass on to the various Neighborhood Associations of Bellingham.   I am assuming you are the person who handles coordination with this group.  A “big one” is coming some day.  When it does, the locals are going to have to take care of themselves for a period of time.  How to do this is what we teach in CERT.  I believe preparedness should be a concern of each and every neighborhood.  We had a push for the Map Your Neighborhood program some years ago and that is a good program.  I was thinking that some of the Associations might consider sending people to one of these sessions too.

Bob Jacobson, CERT Program Coordinator

Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office – Division of Emergency Management   778-7163

2015 Spring Emergency Planning Institute    May 5 & 6

Pierce County Emergency Operations Center   2501 S. 35th St. in Tacoma

To register, go to http://piercecounty.surveyshare.com/t/2015-EPI

Pierce County Department of Emergency Management is offering this free two-day class on the basics of the Incident Command System and agency emergency planning, an introduction to the Emergency Operations Center, how to work with first responders in an emergency, and participation in tabletop exercise.

For questions, please feel free to contact

 Sheri Badger, Public Information Officer/

Public Education, Training and High Risk Populations Supervisor

Pierce County Emergency Management

(desk) 253-798-2204  (cell) 253-377-4149

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