ENA 2018 Annual Meeting and followup Board Meeting Summary

The Annual Meeting of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) was held on May 31, 2018 at Lairmont Manor. The meeting was attended by 15 people and topics included a lively discussion on the future of ENA. Due to the fact attendance has been quite low at neighborhood meetings, it was decided to hold one annual meeting per year, as per the requirements for a non-profit corporation, and hold special meetings when issues of importance to Edgemoor residents arise. The ENA Board will hold meetings as needed to manage the organization. There are 11 Board positions and currently only 6 are filled. Board members elected at the annual meeting are David LeBow, Sandie Koplowitz, Diane MacLean, Bill Wright, Terry Montoyne, Curt Thor and Bob Gibb (who passed away on July 16, 2018). The complete minutes of the meeting can be read at ENA Annual Meeting 2018.

At the ENA Board Meeting, held on July 29, 2018, elections for officers were held. The new officers are David LeBow, President, Diane MacLean, Vice-President, Sandie Koplowitz, Secretary, Diane MacLean, Treasurer, David LeBow, Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Committee (MNAC) Rep and Diane MacLean, MNAC Alternate. The ENA Standing Rules were updated and it was noted that the ENA Bylaws will need to be updated in the future to reflect changes to our meeting schedule. We shared our wonderful memories of Bob Gibb’s participation in ENA and we are grateful for his many contributions to our community over the years. The ENA Board voted to send a $100 donation in Bob Gibb’s memory to The Chuckanut Center, located at the recently renovated Caretakers House for the former Fairhaven Rose Garden. Complete minutes of the meeting can be read at ENA Board Minutes July 29, 2018 .




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