The Annual Meeting of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) on September 9, 2020 was a virtual meeting using the Microsoft Teams communication portal. President, David Lebow opened the meeting at 6:30 PM to resolve any issues with connectivity. The meeting started at 7:00 PM and David asked those in attendance to introduce themselves:
David LeBow, Bayside Road, Current (outgoing) ENA President and MNAC Rep for past few years.
Sandie Koplowitz, Middlefield Road, Current ENA Secretary, website manager for, and Lead for Nextdoor Edgemoor
Bill Wright, South End of Fieldston Road (Clark’s Point) – ENA Board member
Larry Horowitz, Briza – ENA Board member and Land Use Chair
Kate Grinde – Clark Road
Joseph and Molly Trimble – Clark Road
Vernon Berry – Briza
Paul and Carolyn Scott – Briza
Molly Ware, with her neighbors, Karen and Janet joined the meeting as a group
Charles Prosper – Shorewood Drive
Hart Hodges – Willow Road
Naomi, Venue Coordinator at Lairmont Manor
A few other people appeared to attempt to join the meeting but were unable to do so, perhaps due to connectivity issues.
The meeting was recorded to assist the secretary with the meeting minutes.
While we waited for the meeting to begin, Joseph Trimble mentioned he is a ham radio operator and a member of the Whatcom Emergency Radio Group that is in close contact with St. Joseph Hospital, as well as the Bellingham Police Department and Whatcom County Sheriff’s office. He believes the neighborhood association should give more attention to how we will stay in touch with one another during a major disaster, such as a tsunami. Larry asked Joseph to post information on Nextdoor Edgemoor about this subject, as well as information about long-range walkie talkies.
The minutes of the 2019 ENA Annual meeting were approved.
ENA Treasurer, Diane McLean was not able to attend, so the treasurer’s report was not available at the meeting, but it will be included in these minutes for informational purposes. The Non-profit Corporations Annual Report was filed with the state and Sandie will be the new corporate contact. Diane is stepping down as Treasurer.
The following Treasurer’s Report was submitted after the meeting:
Beg. Bank Balance 6/1/2019 $1,590 End Bank Balance 9/20/20 $1,412
2020 Expenses:
WA Sec’y of State – filing fee $10
ENA Web Site Services $168
2020 Income:
COB 0 (Reimbursement form for 2020 expenses will be sent soon – Annual limit is $500)
David spoke about MNAC (Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Committee). He has been the MNAC rep with Diane MacLean as alternate for the past few years. He will be stepping down and paperwork has been filed with the city of Bellingham for Curt Thor to become MNAC Rep, with Barbara Ryan as MNAC Alternate.
David spoke about the status of the ENA. In the past ENA held regular meetings and with the neighborhood becoming more involved in Nextdoor Edgemoor, fewer meetings have been necessary. ENA has not met since last year’s annual meeting. David mentioned there are quite a few board positions available, since he, Diane and Lauri are going off the board. David asked if anyone present at today’s meeting is interested in becoming an ENA Board member and Paul Scott agreed to do so. David moved that Sandie Koplowitz, Larry Horowitz, Bill Wright, Barbara Ryan, Curt Thor, Terry Montonye, Paul Scott be elected and the motion was approved by those in attendance.
It was moved that Curt Thor be approved as Edgemoor Neighborhood’s MNAC Representative and Barbara Ryan be approved as MNAC Alternate and the motion was approved by those in attendance.
Nextdoor Edgemoor is our neighborhood’s primary communication channel and our two Leads are Sandie and David. They explained how it works to be a Lead and moderate reported content. David is stepping down and anyone who is interested in becoming a Lead is asked to send an email to the ENA Secretary,, with a little information about themself. Leads for Edgemoor must be approved by the ENA board.
There have been cougar sightings recently in Edgemoor and an article was posted recently on Nextdoor Edgemoor with links to informative articles from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Bill Wright mentioned cougars have been sighted during the 30 to 40 years he’s been in the neighborhood. He said many years ago on Viewcrest Road there was “Cougar Sighting Here” sign.
Larry spoke about the proposed Jones development south of Viewcrest, west of the Sea Pines Road cul-de-sac and east of the Clarkwood area. The proposed plan is for 45 lots which will not encroach on the 200-foot shoreline setback. There will be two roads, the West road and the East road, both accessed from Viewcrest. There will be one lot accessed from Sea Pines Road. Larry spoke with Bellingham planner, Kathy Bell and she said before the project moves much further, the applicant will be required to have a meeting with the neighbors and a letter will be sent to residents within 500 feet of the development. The 20-page pre-application letter submitted to the city includes a few reports that were 10 years old, so these will need to be completed again before going forward. This has been in the works for a while, so Larry will ask Kathy Bell to set up a formal list to be notified if there are any updates on the development.
Links to proposed Jones development:
Since there was no further business, Larry thanked David for his time on the ENA Board and as ENA President. Thanks also to Diane for her time as Treasurer, and to Lauri for her many years as Secretary in the past. Both Diane and Lauri were involved in the formation of the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association. Thank you to David for organizing the format for the virtual meeting using Microsoft Teams. The format worked well.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Sandie Koplowitz,
ENA Secretary