ENA Annual Meeting Notice

We invite Edgemoor residents to attend the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting at Lairmont Manor on Tuesday, 6/2 at 7: 00 PM. Our speaker will be Dave Tucker, geology research associate at Western Washington University and director of the Mount Baker Volcano Research Center, as he discusses his new book Geology Underfoot in Western Washington.

A topic of discussion will be the future of Edgemoor neighborhood association. It’s been over 10 years since ENA was formed and we would love to hear what you think. Do residents want to see ENA continue to operate? Perhaps a neighborhood association is no longer needed with social internet connections so readily available, such as that provided by Nextdoor Edgemoor. If you think a neighborhood association is a valuable asset for the community, please consider joining the board. If you have ideas about how ENA can better serve the neighborhood, please bring your ideas to the annual meeting.

It’s also that time of year for elections. Board members are elected for one-year terms, so up to 11 positions may be filled. Several officers who have been holding positions for quite a few years have indicated they wish to take a breather, so help is needed to fill their shoes.

We hope you can join us on Tuesday evening at Lairmont Manor. Come meet your neighbors, enjoy some refreshments, hear a good speaker and participate in a lively discussion about the future of your neighborhood association.

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