2015 ENA Annual Meeting Summary

Tonight’s 11th Annual Edgemoor Neighborhood Association meeting at Lairmont Manor had a nice turnout of residents who enjoyed an informative presentation by Dave Tucker about Mt. Baker’s volcanic history and what we might expect to happen sometime between now and 1,000 years from now. His book, Geology Underfoot in Western Washington has already sold out of local bookstores, but should be available from Village Books again soon.

At tonight’s meeting, a lively discussion about the future of ENA indicated the organization is still a benefit to residents and is an important connection between Edgemoor neighborhood and the City of Bellingham. Some ideas to encourage participation were to have all the meetings at Lairmont Manor, to have it in conjunction with musical events, to switch the day of the week, since Thursdays tend to be busy meeting nights. These and other ideas will be addressed by the Board at their meeting in July.

Lylene Johnson has been President of the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association for 5 years and has decided to give someone else the opportunity to fill that role. Over the years, Lylene has been a strong advocate for our neighborhood and has provided a calm, professional leadership presence at neighborhood meetings. Hers will be hard shoes to fill. Thank you, Lylene, for your years of service to the neighborhood. We hope to see your smiling face at future ENA meetings.

After tonight’s election to the ENA Board of Directors, there are currently 7 positions filled, which leaves 4 positions available. There will be a Board meeting in July (meeting date/time to be determined) to elect officers and plan the September neighborhood meeting. If you are interested in joining the ENA Board, please let us know. Your ENA Board members for the next year are Sandie Koplowitz, Lauri Grove, Diane MacLean, Barbara Levin, Terry Montoyne, Bob Gibb, and Bill Wright.

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