ENA Annual Meeting Summary

The annual meeting of ENA was held on June 4th at Lairmont Manor. Lairmont Manor is such a lovely place to meet and for that opportunity we our thankful. Our speaker, Emily Kubiak from Sustainable Connections, spoke about the Community Energy Challenge. This program works with homeowners to help make your living space more comfortable, lower energy bills, conserve energy and inform homeowners of cost effective options. If you missed the presentation, visit the website at http://sustainableconnections.org/energy/energychallenge.

Elections were held at the annual meeting and we are happy to have 7 board members sharing ideas for the next one-year term. A special meeting was held in August to elect officers and we are grateful for the volunteers who step up to help keep the organization running. The Board decided to meet quarterly in the future, rather than monthly, since the neighborhood seems fairly quiet and well-connected with Nextdoor Edgemoor, the Edgemoor Conversations Blog and the neighborhood website at www.EdgemoorNeighborhood.com. Meetings will continue to be held on the first Thursday in September, December, March and June. We discussed the organization’s purpose and focus as outlined in our bylaws. We welcome suggestions from Edgemoor residents for topics of discussion and presentations at upcoming meetings.

Other than that we had a relatively quiet summer. If you follow Nextdoor Edgemoor you probably noted the sporadic break-ins that continue to haunt the neighborhood. Be aware, lock doors, use outside lighting, and if you see anything that feels ‘off’ be vocal to the police and to neighbors.

There will NOT be a regular ENA meeting in September. Instead, there will be a celebration at Bayside Swimming Club on September 4, from 8-10pm, in honor of the first 10 years of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association. All Edgemoor residents are welcome to attend.

Annual Meeting Minutes, June 12, 2014

Special Board Meeting, August 8, 2014

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