Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) is a non-profit 501-C-3 organization, formed in July 2004 to provide a friendly forum for Edgemoor residents to become informed about issues affecting our neighborhood and local community.

The ENA Articles of Incorporation states the purpose of the organization is:

  • To represent the needs and concerns of residents in the Edgemoor Neighborhood, in the city of Bellingham, Washington
  • To improve the quality of life in our neighborhood
  • To monitor all civic issues in order to promote the best possible solutions for our neighborhood and the community at large
  • To encourage the residents of Edgemoor to actively participate in achieving this purpose

In order to achieve the purposes stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the ENA Bylaws states that ENA shall:

  • provide a structure for neighbors to come together, be informed, and talk about common concerns and issues
  • provide a mechanism for creating neighborhood positions and to make these positions known to government, business and other entities
  • provide a mechanism for linking with civic groups and other neighborhood associations on issues of wider interest
  • disseminate information of civic interest and concern to the neighborhood
  • foster a spirit of community among the people who live in Edgemoor


Edgemoor Neighborhood Association held neighborhood meetings in the past. However, due to lack of attendance at meetings, regular meetings are no longer held. Special meetings may be called to discuss items of importance. The ENA Meetings are held at Lairmont Manor or online using the Zoom platform.


To become a member in ENA, individuals must be a resident or property owner in Edgemoor Neighborhood. Currently there are no dues required to join ENA, but donations are accepted.

ENA is a 501-C-3 Non-Profit Organization. In 2006, ENA applied to the IRS for 501-C-3 non-profit status. The IRS has certain requirements which must be met, one of which is for the applicant to have Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation were approved at the May, 2006 ENA Membership meeting and the IRS granted 501-C-3 status in June, 2006. Donations to ENA are tax-deductible.

ENA Membership/Donation Form


The ENA Board can have up to 11 members. Currently there are several openings, so if you are a resident of Edgemoor and would like to be on the ENA Board, please let us know. The Board meets once each year to elect officers and when special meetings are called to discuss items of importance or plan special meeting agendas.

ENA Officers:

President – Vacant
Vice-President – Vacant
Secretary – Sandie Koplowitz
Treasurer – Robert McCarthy

ENA Committees and Board Members:
Communications – Sandie Koplowitz (Website Manager and Nextdoor Edgemoor Lead)
Growth and Land Use Chair – Larry Horowitz
Hospitality Chair – Vacant
Membership Chair – Sandie Koplowitz
Representative to Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Council (MNAC) – Bill Beer
MNAC Alternate: Barbara Burk Zielstra
Safety Committee Chair – Vacant
Board Member – Terry Montoyne
Board Member – Bill Wright
Board Member – Paul Scott
Board Member – Kate Covell



ENA Articles of Incorporation

ENA Bylaws

ENA Standing Rules 2019