Public Input Meeting on Greenways Levy III Implementation

A public meeting to gather citizen input on Greenways Levy III implementation is scheduled for TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2007 from 7 to 9 p.m. at KULSHAN MIDDLE SCHOOL COMMONS. All Bellingham citizens are invited to come and learn about the acquisition process for greenways, parks and trails and to provide input on where they would like to see new parks, trails and open space in Bellingham.

This is the second of several city-wide outreach meetings to familiarize the public with the process for land acquisition using Greenway Levy funds (as well as money from park impact fees and other sources) and the roles of the key Levy partners – Parks and Recreation Department, Greenway Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, City Council, and the public.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their opinions about what projects are most needed in their neighborhoods and city-wide, what land might be available and appropriate for such projects, and what other ideas and suggestions they have for maximizing the value of new Greenway Levy funds.

If you are unable to attend this meeting and would like to provide input, please fill out a Public Input Form (PDF) for staff and the Greenway Advisory Committee to review and consider. All comments received will also be summarized on the Greenway Public Comment Tracker.

All Bellingham citizens are welcome to attend. Kulshan Middle School is ADA accessible. Assistive hearing devices and sign interpretation are available upon request by contacting Leslie Bryson at (360) 676-6985 at least three working days in advance of the meeting.

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