September ENA President’s Message

The next ENA meeting will be held on September 22 at Lairmont Manor at 7 PM and Mayor Kelly Linville will be our main speaker. Here is a link to the ENA Annual Meeting Minutes – June 2015.

Last year it was decided to change our monthly meeting format to quarterly meetings in September, December, March, and June (Annual Meeting). At each meeting we try to have a presentation about a topic of interest to Edgemoor residents, so meeting dates will depend on the availability of the speaker.

In August the ENA board met and elected officers for the next year. They are:
President, Sandie Koplowitz
Vice President, Lauri Grove
Secretary, Barbara Levin
Treasurer, Diane McLean

My focus, as ENA President, will be to keep Edgemoor residents informed about current events by posting updates on the Edgemoor Conversations blog on our neighborhood website and on Nextdoor Edgemoor.  ENA tries to be informational, rather than political, but we invite viewpoints from all sides of issues to be presented at our ENA meetings, so residents can have good information on which to base opinions.

Many thanks to Lylene Johnson, for her many years of service to ENA on the Board and as outgoing President. We will miss Lylene’s leadership skills and hope to see her at future meetings.

There are currently several positions open on the ENA Board. Please us know if you are interested in serving for a one-year term. With only four neighborhood meetings and one or two additional planning meetings per year, it’s a small time commitment and a great way to become informed about local events.

Our neighborhood website at has been streamlined this summer, combining information about the neighborhood with Edgemoor Neighborhood  Association and the Edgemoor Conversations blog. We encourage residents to submit your favorite photos of the neighborhood, which will be added to a slideshow on the website. Send them to

Nextdoor Edgemoor continues to grow and has become a great format to connect with neighbors and share information. Lost pets are more likely to be found and items for sale seem to find new homes overnight. Members seem to be monitoring their posts very well, but occasionally posts are deleted when deemed inappropriate by the Nextdoor Edgemoor Lead. Currently, I am the Lead for Nextdoor Edgemoor, but we could use a few more people who would be willing to keep an eye on posts for inappropriate content. Let me know if you would like to help.

I hope you enjoyed the many days of sunny weather this summer. See you at the ENA Meeting on Tuesday, September 22 at 7 pm at Lairmont Manor.

Sandie Koplowitz,
ENA President

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