Sewer Replacement 2010

Many Edgemoor residents have or will receive notices about impending Sewer Replacement work that will be going on in the Chuckanut Dr./Hawthorn Rd area and the Willow Rd./Fieldston Rd. area.  Post cards were mailed last week to residents adjacent to the project sites.
Sewer Notice-Hawthorn.pdf
Sewer Notice-Willow.pdf
The 2009-2010 Sewer Replacement project consists primarily of replacing manholes and sanitary sewer lines to near-new condition through the use of trenchless technology and open-trench methods. The trenchless method involves inserting a resin-coated cloth that is steam cured into a solid liner.
Link to Project Map

What to Expect:
When the sewer line serving your house is being rehabilitated, your sewer service will be temporarily interrupted.
The contractor will give approximately 48 hours notice prior to beginning work on your block.
Once notified, try to reduce your water consumption during daytime hours.
The work affecting your line will be completed on the same day it begins.
There may be some odor during construction.
Be patient and allow extra driving time.

What will be done:
6000 linear feet of sewer rehabilitated using trenchless methods
25 manholes replaced
1100 feet of open trench replace aging pipes
For more information, contact:
Ravyn Whitewolf, Engineering Manager, City of Bellingham Public Works Department • 360-778-7900 •
Or you can find additional updates at:

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