Small and Simple Project Funds available

DATE: January 22, 2007 15:38:11 PST

City of Bellingham News Release

The City of Bellingham is now accepting applications for its Small and Simple Projects fund. This program funds up to $2,500 for projects that provide a city-wide benefit. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2007.

Neighborhood associations, community organizations, schools, and similar groups and agencies are eligible for these funds. Projects may include park improvements, tree planting, neighborhood signs, community events, music performances, production of promotional materials, community support programs, and similar activities that can demonstrate a city-wide benefit. Applicant organizations must have a valid Federal Tax ID Number. Individuals are not eligible for funding.

For additional information and application materials, see the Small and Simple Projects link from the City’s website. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Thursday, March 15, 2007.

For More information contact Travis Cary, City of Bellingham Planning & Community Development Department, (360) 676-6880,

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