Thoughts from Lylene: November Update

Remember the SSA presentation regarding the Gateway Pacific Terminal this Thursday, Dec 1st, and take this opportunity to get your questions answered.  It will be held at Fairhaven Middle School from 7 to 9.  If you can submit questions prior to the meeting, that will give John Erickson, the moderator, time to organize them a bit.  There will also be an opportunity to submit questions that night and, if time permits, ask questions from the floor.

This month has seen some changes at the city that affect the neighborhoods.  Linda Stewart, the mayor’s neighborhood coordinator, has taken a job elsewhere, so that position will be in limbo until the new administration takes over in January.  We are waiting to see how the election results and budget issues impact funding in 2012.

 Upcoming Discussions & Meetings

  • The bylaws committee, composed of Chair Lauri Grove, Sandie Koplowitz and Diane MacLean, have accomplished a huge amount.  They are using examples from other neighborhoods and organizations to come up with ideas reflecting how the association actually operates and to build in flexibility for change over time.  The board will discuss the changes at a planning meeting in January, and hopefully they will be ready for presentation to the membership for a vote at the February meeting.  Check out the current bylaws here, and the rough draft to date, here.
  • Also at the January meeting, the board will put together a proposal to change the  neighborhood plan, reflecting concerns over increased train traffic/noise.  That proposal will be presented to the membership for a vote at the February meeting.  If approved, the plan will be submitted to the city prior to the April deadline.  Check out the plan here.
  • The ENA has been operating without a budget for the past few years.  Expenses have been minimal, city funding has been good and we have been running a surplus.  Things are changing, so the board will be considering a budget at the January meeting, based upon activities and goals for 2012. 

Contributions from more neighbors are being posted on the blog and the number of people registered to receive notices of new blog posts is increasing.  The blog is definitely a work in progress, so if there are things you would like to see there…or things you wish you hadn’t seen there…let me know.  The goal is to make it a communication center for the neighborhood for everything from immediate crime warnings to planning.

Draft November meeting minutes are posted on the ENA website. 

All members are welcome to all meetings, so feel free to just attend and check out what is going on at any time.  I look forward to seeing you there!


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