Your board has been busy over the past month!
The bylaws committee has made contact with Linda Stewart at the city, learned that there is a consultant available to advise us on changes to our bylaws, and received a copy of new bylaws just drafted by another neighborhood. We are now processing the information we have and will come together to begin work the first part of November.
The blog is up and running, with posts ranging from an alert by a neighbor about current mail thefts to updated information on the Padden Creek Trails development. If you aren’t reading it, you are missing a lot. Remember that you can submit an article for posting, or comment on one that has been posted. To do so, just go to the bottom of the post and click on “Leave a reply”. It’s an easy way to get your opinion heard.
After looking at alternatives to the Fairhaven Pavilion for meetings, we have decided to stay where we are…except for special events. Speaking of meetings and special events, you will want to schedule for the following:
- October 6th. Candidates Forum for all Bellingham and Whatcom County positions at the Firehouse. Doors open at 6:30 (come early and get your questions written down) and forum begins at 7:00.
- November 3rd. Edgemoor Neighborhood Meeting will feature a 30 minute presentation by Sustainable Connections regarding home energy efficiency programs. Learn how to cut your energy use and carbon emissions. The business meeting will briefly discuss bylaws and focus on an action item in the neighborhood plan. From 8:30 to 9:00 we will vist and enjoy some goodies.
- December 1st. Gateway Pacific Terminal presentation at Fairhaven Middle School. At our annual meeting in May, we invited Bob Ferris of Re-Sources to lead a discussion about the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point and the impacts to Edgemoor and the surrounding area from increased coal trains. At the end of that meeting, neighbors requested the opportunity to hear from proponents of the Gateway Pacific Terminal. Later, it was further requested that such proponents not have any financial interest or benefit from the project. The general request will be satisfied on December 1st, when representatives of SSA do a presentation at the Edgemoor Neighborhood meeting. We have not yet identified disinterested speakers, but at least we will get the opposite perspective from the one we heard in May.
I look forward to meeting you and would love to hear from you via the blog or an email. See you on the 6th!