First, thanks to all of you who responded with questions and comments to my last letter! If I have an “agenda” as ENA president, it is to increase the conversations within the neighborhood. It is critical for the ENA Board to know your thoughts, because that board represents you with other neighborhoods and the city.
And on that topic, Sandie Koplowitz, the ENA Communication Chair, and I have an exciting announcement: the Edgemoor Neighborhood now has a blog! Just in case you don’t realize the power of this, let me give you some examples:
- Notices received from the city, from other neighborhoods, from event coordinators, from neighbors, etc will be posted to the blog. Examples might be door to door scams, road closures, building permits, public meetings, development applications, …anything pertinent to the Edgemoor Neighborhood or of interest to all of us who live here.
- Meeting agendas, minutes and notices of upcoming neighborhood events will be posted.
- You can “register” to be automatically notified of new posts (see the bottom of the right column).
- You can comment on posts.
- You can write posts – fact, opinion, concern, criticism, kudos – as long as they meet the etiquette standards, they will be posted.
Sandie has spent a lot of time and energy setting up the structure…now it is up to us to make it live. At its best, it will become a site of energetic discussion, a means of keeping us all informed and a way to bind our neighborhood together. At its worst, it will become a stagnant notice board. If you have ever complained because you didn’t know what was going on, didn’t like what the board was doing, thought something should be done about whatever, this is your chance to give input and have an impact. It’s rather like voting…if you don’t participate, you can’t complain about the results.
A glimpse at our Fall meeting schedule:
September – postponed until the 15th due to the Chuckanut Ridge celebratory gathering at Fairhaven Middle School on the 1st. We will meet at the Community Room in the Waldron building from 7 to 9. The agenda will be posted here.
October 6th – combined meeting for a Candidates Forum with the Coalition of Southside Neighborhoods at the Firehouse…time posted on the Blog.
November 3rd – possibly Sustainable Connections regarding energy tax credits…still working on that one…more on the Blog.
December 1st – It looks like we will have Craig Cole and a member of the SSA owner/management team to talk about the Gateway Pacific Terminal. Details as they become finalized…you guessed it…here on the Blog!
Enjoy the rest of the wonderful weather…hope to see you at a meeting, or hear you on the Blog – Or, just send me an email at