South Hill Neighborhood Association has invited Mayor Lund to their next meeting on January 22nd. South Hill President, Scott Jones, has invited Edgemoor and other local neighborhoods to let their residents know they are welcome to attend the meeting. As Scott mentioned in his invitation, “This will be a great opportunity to get together and share similar interests and concerns with the City and each other.
The meeting will be held at 7pm, on January 22nd at Hillcrest Church, 1400 Larrabee Ave. The entrance is at the Commons door. There is plenty of easy parking and capacity in the room.
We are in the process of updating the Edgemoor Neighborhood Website. Our first step is to set up Edgemoor Connections blog to send the latest posts from the ENA Board to our subscribers. This notice is our first test of this process.
In the coming months we will be making changes to the Edgemoor Neighborhood website to make it a more friendly experience and easier to navigate. Please feel free to let us know how we’re doing along the way. If you are familiar with WordPress and would like to be involved in the process, let us know. We are also looking for an Edgemoor resident who would like to take over managing the website in the future.
Starting in September, the Bellingham Public Library is partnering with the Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center and the League of Women Voters to offer a community building conversation series. All are welcome. Participants will leave with new connections and ideas.
All sessions will be held in the Lecture Room of the Bellingham Public Library at 210 Central Ave. Bellingham WA
Please join us for an Edgemoor Neighborhood Picnic on SUNDAY, AUG. 4TH from 2:30-4:30 PM at the FAIRHAVEN PARK PAVILION. There will be a short meeting to introduce our new “Map Your Neighborhood” project and tell everyone about the new Small and Simple Grant we just received. We will also be celebrating 20 years of Edgemoor Neighborhood Association.
We hope you can join us to meet your neighbors, enjoy some treats and have fun at the park with your family.
The ENA Board
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There will be an Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) Annual Meeting on Monday, May 6th for a 6:30 pm social, 7:00 pm meeting, at Lairmont Manor, 405 Fieldston Road. The ENA has been busy and has much to report. A presentation on Disaster Preparedness will be given by Greg Hope, City of Bellingham, and Ham radio operator, Joseph Trimble. Other topics will include an update on the proposed subdivision on Viewcrest Road, a Small and Simple Grant report and our annual Board of Director elections.
We hope to see you at the ENA Annual meeting on Monday, May 6th at 6:30 pm.
The ENA Board of Directors
We have two vacant seats on the Board. If you are interested in joining, please let us know by sending an email to .
The ENA Sign Committee has worked with graphic designer, Bradley Lockhart, to create three final sign concepts for Edgemoor Neighborhood. Comments on the previous sign design were considered and elements of water, islands, an eagle and sailboat were added along with a more welcoming and authentic representation of the black tailed deer in our neighborhood. Once the final decision is made, the sign committee will work with Public Works to get sites at entrances to our neighborhood approved, printed and installed.
If you are on Nextdoor, please sign in and vote on your favorite (include link to post). The poll will be live for one week to give everyone time to weigh in. If you do not utilize Nextdoor Edgemoor, you can send an email to and choose one of the following.
Eagle, Sailboat and Black Tailed Deer
Sailboat and Black Tailed Deer
Eagle and Black Tailed Deer
Thank you for taking time to vote on your favorite.
The ENA Board
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In November of 2023, the Edgemoor Neighborhood Sign Committee, working with graphic designer, Bradley Lockhart, presented several sign concepts to the Bellingham Arts Commission. The concept showing a deer in the woods, with mountains and sun in the background, was approved. The sign concept was posted on Nextdoor Edgemoor asking for comments and suggestions. Responses mentioned the deer image does not accurately represent the black tail deer residing in our neighborhood, along with requests to include water, islands, a boat and eagle. These comments were relayed back to Bradley asking him to incorporate these comments in the sign. Once the sign is approved it will be printed and installed at various entrances to Edgemoor neighborhood, as determined by Bellingham Public Works. Future sign proposals will be posted soon.
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Edgemoor Neighborhood Association (ENA) Meeting – October 23, 2023, 7-9 pm
Neighborhood Meeting at Lairmont Manor: The first in person neighborhood meeting since 2019 was presided over by ENA Secretary, Sandie Koplowitz. There were 40 attendees at the meeting, including ENA Board members. Light refreshments were served. ENA business agenda items were moved to the end of the meeting.
Small and Simple Grant: The ENA received a $5,000 Small and Simple Grant from the City of Bellingham to send a newsletter and postcard to Edgemoor residents, provide a neighborhood social at Bayside Swimming Club, and create neighborhood signs which will be posted at major entrances to Edgemoor Neighborhood.
Newsletter Report: Sandie reported the newsletter was sent by postal mail in July 2023 to 884 homes. Mailing labels were provided by Tracy Lewis, assistant to the Mayor. Postage cost for 900 stamps was $594 and printing cost for 1000 trifold, double-sided, prints with two tabs was $335.10 from Applied Digital on James Street. We only received 8 “return to sender/unable to forward” newsletters. We received 20 “help keep our mailing list current” forms and added 24 new email addresses to our Mail Chimp email list. ENA received $315 in tax-deductible contributions.
Neighborhood Pool Party: Kate Covell reported the Pool Party was attended by 16 residents with one guest family of 6 who had the pool to themselves. It was a chilly and misty evening, which accounted for the small number of attendees.
Neighborhood Sign: Barbara Zielstra thanked those who submitted comments about the proposed Edgemoor Neighborhood sign, which will be posted at entrances to the neighborhood. For those who haven’t noticed the new Fairhaven Neighborhood sign, there is one located on the right just after turning onto Cowgill from Hawthorn. A graphic artist has been hired who designed the sign for the Roosevelt neighborhood. Sign concepts must be approved by the Bellingham Arts Commission prior to implementation. Ideas will be posted on Nextdoor for feedback from residents.
Update on the Jones subdivision, aka The Woods at Viewcrest: Larry Horowitz presented an excellent Power Point presentation outlining the environmental issues of concern in Mud Bay and the cliffs along the waterfront. Visit to view videos of the area.
LED School Signs: Barbara Zielstra reported that due to community response, the proposed LED sign for Lowell Elementary School has been placed on hold.
Metal Shredder Proposal: Bob McCarthy reported there are efforts to stop the proposed metal shredder from being established on Marine Drive. There are also efforts to fight the scrap metal pile at the Port of Bellingham. Since established, South Hill and other residents have complained about the noise and dust caused by activity at the scrap metal pile. You may have noticed the “Don’t Shred on Bellingham” signs posted around town. Visit for more information.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob McCarthy reported on the following income and expenses:
Account balance as of 23 October: ~$975
Contributions to ENA: $340 (thank you!)
Website: $150 (reimbursed by city)
Registration with Secretary of State: $20 (will be reimbursed by city)
Costs for Newsletter and the party this summer: $974.33 (will be reimbursed by city as part of Small and Simple Grant program)
Deposit on design for sign: $225 (will be reimbursed by city as part of Small and Simple Grant program)
Minutes: The minutes from the previous ENA Meeting were approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Submitted by ENA Secretary, Sandie Koplowitz
Current ENA Board Members:
Sandie Koplowitz, ENA Secretary
Bob McCarthy, ENA Treasurer
Bill Beer, MNAC Representative
Barbara Zielstra, MNAC Alternate
Larry Horowitz, Planning and Land Use Chair
Terry Montonye
Paul Scott
Bill Wright
Kate Covell
Lincoln Vander Veen
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ENA (Edgemoor Neighborhood Association) has some great news!
The Edgemoor Neighborhood Board applied for and received a Small & Simple Grant from the City of Bellingham to improve neighborhood communication and develop a stronger sense of community. A portion of the grant was used to mail a newsletter to all Edgemoor homes to introduce the projects we have designed to improve our neighborhood and enhance our feeling of place. We welcome your participation as the more you engage, the more the association can truly represent our community.
Neighborhood Signs
Perhaps you’ve noticed the new Fairhaven Neighborhood signs recently installed? We loved the idea, and a portion of the Small and Simple Grant will go towards the design and production of a unique sign representing Edgemoor Neighborhood. These signs will be placed at the entrances to our neighborhood and will help define our unique setting. We will also use the new design for our meeting signs to remind everyone of upcoming meetings.
What would you like to see on our sign?
What images do you think reflect our neighborhood?
The Board would love to have your ideas. If you have graphic design skills, would you be willing to help with this project? All ideas are welcome. Because the signs will be installed along the streets, the size of the sign must meet the City’s 24” x 36” (portrait format) requirements. Please send your ideas and designs to .
We have planned this social event to meet one another and make a splash! Please add our Pool Party to your calendar and join in the summer fun. Bayside Swimming Club limits the number of participants, so please RSVP at your earliest convenience to .
You will receive an email confirmation as your “invitation” to the party. Guests will be asked to sign in when arriving.
Come join us to meet old friends and make new ones. Edgemoor has many new neighbors, and this will be a fun event to welcome them. Sign up now – don’t wait as space is limited and you don’t want to miss out.
New Viewcrest Road Subdivision (aka Woods at Viewcrest)
More than a year ago, developers submitted applications for a 38-lot subdivision on the steep, forested slopes overlooking North Chuckanut Bay. In response, Protect Mud Bay Cliffs (PMBC) was formed to minimize the adverse impacts on the environment and local residents.
After multiple application extensions, the process began moving forward again on June 20th when the developers responded to the City’s Request for Information. Because of a new state law that allows quadplexes on all single-family lots, the potential for development is 152 multi-family units. Once the City issues its Notice of Application, the public will have 30 days to submit comments. Please take the time now to become engaged by learning about the project.
Please join us for some social time and to join the conversation as we:
Review designs for our new neighborhood signs
Provide an update on the new Viewcrest Road subdivision on the cliffs overlooking Mud Bay
Share information from the most recent Mayors Neighborhood Advisory Commission meeting
Help keep our mailing list current
We appreciate your help keeping our mailing lists up to date. If you have not already done so, please add your email address to our mailing list (upper right-hand side of this page) to receive information about upcoming meetings and events. If you would like to include a donation, these funds will help with business expenses such as corresponding with Edgemoor residents and the neighborhood website. Send your contact details along with your optional tax-deductible donation to:
Edgemoor Neighborhood Association
C/O ENA Treasurer, Bob McCarthy
217 Middlefield Road
Bellingham, WA 98225
You can also share your comments, ideas, and suggestions with the ENA Board, so please let us know what’s on your mind. Email us at .