2019 ENA Annual Meeting

ENA Annual Meeting Minutes July 31, 2019. 7-9 PM

(Please see Homes Now – Unity Village Presentation Summary for information about the presentation prior to the ENA Meeting)

The meeting was held at Lairmont Manor. 35 people attended.

President, David LeBow thanked Curt Thor for arranging the Homes Now – Unity Village speakers.

Minutes: Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting made by Bill Wright. Seconded by Laurie Grove. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Sandie Koplowitz gave a summary, since Diane MacLean could not attend the meeting. The current balance in the account is $1,580.26. There have not been any expenses since the previous meeting.

MNAC:  David described MNAC – Mayor’s Neighborhood Advisory Commission

Communications and Membership: Sandie reported she manages the website at www.edgemoorneighborhood.com and will update the pages with links to meeting minutes. There have been some contentious conversations on Nextdoor about the Homes Now/Tiny Homes called Unity Village, which is scheduled to move to McKenzie Avenue the last week of August. As a monitor for Nextdoor Edgemoor, Sandie finds it difficult to monitor the increased flagged content. There have also been negative comments about the monitors on Nextdoor, which makes posting uncomfortable, so she has been reluctant to do so. As Membership chair, she maintains the email contact list on MailChimp and there are 450 email addresses.

Annual Elections of Board Members: The current ENA Board members have agreed to stay on the Board. New member, Barbara Ryan was elected. It was suggested to appoint Larry Horowitz to the Board, since he is Planning and Land Use Chair. Sandie will reach out to Larry to ask him if he would like to remain as Planning and Land Use Chair and if he would like to be on the ENA Board. (Larry has since agreed and was appointed to the Board.

The current ENA Board Members are Barbara Ryan, Bill Wright, Curt Thor, David LeBow, Diane MacLean, Larry Horowitz, Lauri Grove, Sandie Koplowitz and Terry Montonye.

ENA Bylaws: Proposed changes to the ENA Bylaws were discussed. Motion to approve the bylaws was made by Bill. Seconded by Barbara. Motion passed. Sandie will post the updated version on the website and send a copy to board members.

Homes Now Discussion: Curt made a motion to donate $500 to Homes Now. After discussion, it was decided to table the motion. Bill suggested we write a letter to describe how residents of Edgemoor (and surrounding neighborhoods) can welcome Unity Village and information about donating to Homes Now will be included. Barbara volunteered to write the letter and Sandie will send to the email list and post on Nextdoor Edgemoor.

ENA Board Meeting to Elect officers (held after the Annual Meeting)

The current slate of officers agreed to continue in their positions on the ENA Board; David LeBow as President, Diane MacLean as Vice President and Treasurer, Sandie Koplowitz as Secretary. Barbara made a motion to accept the slate as presented. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

These Minutes are respectfully submitted pending approval by the ENA Board.

ENA Secretary, Sandie Koplowitz


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