Edgemoor Neighborhood Association
PO BOX 4420
Bellingham, WA 98225
May 4, 2007
Tim Stewart
Planning and Community Development Director
City of Bellingham
210 Lottie Street
Bellingham, WA 98225
Dear Mr. Stewart,
At our general meeting on May 3, 2007, the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association voted to support the proposed changes to the Fairhaven Design Review Code brought forward by the Fairhaven Neighbors.
Fairhaven is the community core of the 5 Southside neighborhoods, including Edgemoor. We all have a stake in Fairhaven’s future and we feel that the current Design Review Code does not adequately protect the community character of Fairhaven from development plans that go against the intent of the Fairhaven Design Review Code.
We feel as a Neighborhood Association that the preservation of what is special and unique about Fairhaven should be the highest priority. The ENA is not against development in Fairhaven, however we strongly feel that future development should truly be harmonious with the existing Historic Character of Fairhaven. Adoption of the proposed changes will help return the Fairhaven Design Review Code to its intended purpose by setting clear guidelines and limits that will replace the items in the Code that currently appear to be up to subjective interpretation.
The members of the Edgemoor Neighborhood Association thank you for considering the wishes of the entire populace when the decision is made on this issue.
Brad Rose
President, Edgemoor Neighborhood Association